"Issac Diaz Riding
Dancing Bear"
23 1/2 "x 16 1/2"
$200.00 Unframed
hand numbered giclee
This painting was created after witnessing Issac on his saddle bronc, 2019, at Sentinel Butte, ND for the first time after a serious rodeo injury. Diaz was 10th during the time of the injury in the NFR world standings in June.
"Dakota Thunder"
26" x 20"
$250 Unframed
hand numbered giclee

I have been intrigued by the majestic nature of the American bison most of my life. I created this painting from several of my photos after observing the seasonal "bison in rut" (usually lasting from June through September). This is the time of the year when bison are unpredictable and become very aggressive. This is a scene from the south unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park during 2019.

"Early Snow"
26" x 20"
$250.00 Unframed
hand numbered giclee
The foundation of this painting is based on a photo by Skye Harris. The scene is located in the heart of the Killdeer Mountains in Dunn County, North Dakota. This was an unexpected snowfall in the fall of 2018.
"North Dakota Bison"
24" x 20"
$200.00 Unframed
hand numbered giclee
The American bison is regarded as a noble representation of the spirit of the people living on the great plains of the mid west. One of the fascinating facts about the bison is during the height of the storm, the bison take the storm on, heading directly into its path. We ought to take this to heart. If we withstood the storms in our lives, confronting the obstacles in our lives we would develop great courage and tenacity. I painted this from my own memory as well as my photo studies.

"Born to Buck"
24" x 16 1/2"
$200.00 Unframed
hand numbered giclee
In the 1930's, a Montana rancher, Chandler "Feek" Tooke, forever changed the changed the face of rodeo stock through his vision of crossing strong rodeo stock with wild horses.
This small band of horses are from the bucking horses bloodline that continues to impact the sport of rodeo. I love the contrast in pattern and texture through the painting that I created from my photo collection.