News, Activities, and Interesting Events
The Capital Gallery
Bismarck, ND

My mother...my inspiration
I was first inspired to explore drawing and painting as I watched my mother create her oil paintings. She was influenced by Charlie Russel and the ranching and farming life. I remember when I was about 12 years old when she invited me along to an "adult" painting class. Though money was very limited, she saw potential in my art skills. I was so proud of my first painting, produced on a Masonite board. Thus began a life long journey as one who fell in love with the arts and the environment that influenced my work. I am blessed and grateful to have a mother who encouraged and supported me in my drive to be an artist.

Kelley Jilek and Heart River Voice magazine featured my painting, "Zander, the Rooster With an Attitude" on the front cover of her wonderful magazine. Monthly, Kelley features a new piece of art and artist. We are grateful for this opportunity to showcase our visual expressions. The Heart River Voice is a fantastic platform for artists who wish to share their work.

Buffalo Roundup CusterState Park, SD
Custer State Park is infamous for it's annual buffalo roundup. The roundup is used in conjunction with the fall sale as a way to manage the size of the herd and provide and opportunity to vaccinate and brand the calves. People from across the nation return to experience something out of the old west and observe the 1,400 buffalo roundup. It truly is a magnificent sight to see...buffalo rumbling across the plains driven by cowboys and cowgirls on horseback. The 20,000 visitors are able to glimpse into the past.